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Cul­tu­ral Centres

Nürnberg’s Cultural Centres developed differently in recent years. Südpunkt and the Kulturwerkstatt Auf AEG broke new ground to open up new opportunities in their respective district, while others specialized in the presentation of special art forms. The #LNGWSSR project, for example, is presently dealing with potentials of developing the Gemeinschaftshaus Langwasser.

Actively shaping city districts

Between 2018 and December 2022, the nationwide project Utopolis – Soziokultur im Quartier will discuss how the programme of a Cultural Centre can be newly developed and how the quality of life in a district can be improved by means of art and culture together with the local residents. The aim of this project is to enable residents who have had little contact with art and culture to actively participate in the design of their district and their immediate surroundings. A wide range of cultural activities should offer opportunities for participation. To make this possible, we will network with local initiatives and institutions – with neighbourhood management, social clubs, administration or business.

Democracy Lab

But the new places of the socio-culture or community can also be fast-moving and changeable places. Can a place of public discussion be created – a kind of meeting place or agora where the diverse communities of urban society can talk about their similarities and differences?

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Cul­tu­ral Centres

Cul­tu­ral Centres