Stream Forward
- Youtube-ChannelLink
Concerts, readings, plays, operas ... at present, the spread of the coronavirus has brought cultural life to a near standstill. We would like to help to ensure that the connections between people and culture don’t break off. On our YouTube channel N2025, we publish cultural content based on the theme "STREAM FORWARD" and hope to thus support the art and culture scenes in these difficult times. The channel brings together different genres, institutions, groups, and artists.
Here you can find our YouTube-Channel and the contributions.

As channel operators, we reserve the right to select the content to be published. Depending on the number of submissions, there may also be time delays. Of course all rights of use and copyrights remain with you; we only serve as a platform for publication.
We request content to which the respective artists and cultural professionals own the full rights and therefore does not violate the rights of third parties.
By sending the video material, the sender confirms that they own the sole copyright to the material. All image and name rights are released for the purpose of publication within the STREAM FORWARD project. The copyright fee will be paid via YouTube. There will be no additional remuneration of copyrights by N2025.
We explicitly note that the videos must be produced under the necessary safety regulations. We therefore ask that you refrain from gathering. Extreme caution is required for all actions within the project and health risks must be avoided. The currently valid regulations must also be observed.