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N2025 NÜRNBERG 2025

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Euro­pe At Home

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“Europe at Home” is a project that aims to challenge cities around Europe to share their perspectives on how they are living this unexpected moment of social isolation consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic, through photography and literature.

Each city that wishes to join the project should select one photography artist and one literary author that will share their artworks on the website of the project -

Nuremberg as an candidate city for the Capital of Culture 2025 is also part of the project and is represented by the author Pauline Füg and by the photographer David Häuser.

“Europe at home” is also open to citizens around Europe that, through social networks, can participate in the project showing their perspective of this moment by publicly sharing their photos and using the hashtag #EuropeAtHome.

© Pierre-Jarawan

Click here to read the text "Cardiovascular system; Collapse" by Pauline Füg.


© David Häuser

Click here to see the photos by David Häuser.

“Europe at Home” is a project carried out by Faro – European Capital of Culture 2027 candidate city.

The project “Europe at Home” was officially launched on the 30tht April 2020 with an initial group of 14 cities from different European countries. At the moment, they have opened the possibility of participation for any city in Europe that wishes to join the map of “Europe at Home”.