Schools competition: „bE U – Share Democracy“

Nürnberg schools are participating in Nürnberg’s application for the title of European Capital of Culture 2025 under the motto “bE U – Share Democracy.” In autumn 2018, the pupils were asked to develop their own projects for the European Capital of Culture.
Between 15 October and 23 November 2018, schools were able to submit projects on Europe and democracy via an online platform. On 10 January 2019, a pupil jury and a teacher jury from all participating schools selected 20 ideas that were implemented by 2020 and each received 2,500 euros.
Jury meeting
On 10 January 2019, 28 teachers and 32 pupils formed groups to discuss the 29 submitted projects. The individual teams then awarded points and evaluated the ideas based on various criteria, such as a European connection and cooperation. Participants of all types of schools, from primary to technical secondary schools, discussed with each other regardless of age or type of school and decided together and democratically by means of a point allocation procedure on the total budget of 50,000 euros.

The winning projects:
- Wir sind die Zukunft Europas!
- Freiheitliche Demokratie im Bezug auf Kinderrechte
- together
- Wir l(i)eben Europa
- Bei uns sind die Kleinen ganz groß!
- WiN Europe – make democracy
- Fit für Vielfalt – Fit for diversity
- Ein Problem – viele Möglichkeiten
- KiG – Kinderrechte ins Grundgestz
- Von ganz klein bis ganz groß…
- Brenpunkt Europa

The motto competition
The motto of the project comes from Miriam Winterstein. She is in the 11th form of the Willstätter-Gymnasium and won the motto search competition. A jury made up of representatives from the Nürnberg schools and the N2025 Bid Office chose “bE U – Share Democracy” from more than 60 submissions.
The second prize went to Aleks Sashev for the proposal “Democracy is Europe, Europe is democracy” and the third prize went to Adnan Roufai for the motto “Open-minded, borderless, together: Europe.” Both pupils attend Municipal Vocational School 1.
What does “bE U – Share Democracy” mean?
The winner of the motto competition, Miriam Winterstein, explains her motto as follows: “bE U, a play on words using ‘be you’ and ‘be EU,’ stands for the individual and also for the European community. ‘Share Democracy’ stands for the democracy we need so that there can be a functioning community in Europe.”
Why Europe and democracy?
Living in Europe – what does that mean to us? It means living in free democracies and thus having the fortune of being able to move freely, to learn and freely determine our own lives.
However, negative trends are now being observed in Europe to restrict citizens’ freedom and opportunities for participation. This demonstrates that even in Europe, our democratic values cannot be taken for granted.