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Net­work Ana­ly­sis of Cul­tu­ral Actors

Net­work Ana­ly­sis of Cul­tu­ral Actors

In cooperation with the Netzwerk Kulturberatung in Berlin, we carried out a scholarly network ana...

The­re it is — our second bid book!

The­re it is — our second bid book!

Panel report is published

Panel report is published

On November 27, 2020, the jury for the title "European Capital of Culture 2025" in Germany publis...

We say goodbye

We say goodbye

Dear companions, supporters and those interested in the Capital of Culture, For more than thre...

Net­work Ana­ly­sis of Cul­tu­ral Actors

Net­work Ana­ly­sis of Cul­tu­ral Actors

The­re it is — our second bid book!

The­re it is — our second bid book!

Panel report is published

Panel report is published

We say goodbye

We say goodbye

Dear companions, supporters and those interested in the Capital of Culture, For more than thre...

Net­work Ana­ly­sis of Cul­tu­ral Actors

Net­work Ana­ly­sis of Cul­tu­ral Actors

The­re it is — our second bid book!

The­re it is — our second bid book!

Panel report is published

Panel report is published

We say goodbye

We say goodbye

Dear companions, supporters and those interested in the Capital of Culture, For more than thre...

The­re it is — our second bid book!

The­re it is — our second bid book!

Panel report is published

Panel report is published

We say goodbye

We say goodbye

Dear companions, supporters and those interested in the Capital of Culture, For more than thre...