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N2025 Open Call 2018

N2025 Open Call 2018

In 2018, the European Capital of Culture 2025 Bid Office of the City of Nürnberg launched the fir...

Schools com­pe­ti­ti­on: „bE U – Share Democracy“

Schools com­pe­ti­ti­on: „bE U – Share D

Cul­tu­ral Centres

Cul­tu­ral Centres

The Cultural Centres in Nürnberg are being developed into new places of socioculture and democrac...

N2025 Open Call 2019

N2025 Open Call 2019

After the successful first edition of the project competition N2025 OPEN CALL 2018, in 2019 the E...

Haus des Spielens

Haus des Spielens

The Pellerhaus will become the international centre of games and play.



gameON2025 is a game development project, was a pilot project of the European Metropolitan Region...



The SONGLINES project traces the paths of songs and their stories and, together with musicians an...

Net­work Ana­ly­sis of Cul­tu­ral Actors

Net­work Ana­ly­sis of Cul­tu­ral Actors

In cooperation with the Netzwerk Kulturberatung in Berlin, we carried out a scholarly network ana...

We’re in round 2!

We’re in round 2!

We took the first hurdle! Nürnberg has reached the next round in the competition for the European...

Kids’ Bid Book

Kids’ Bid Book

In their very own bid book, children and young people from the city of Nürnberg present their tho...

Call for Ide­as 2020

Call for Ide­as 2020

We are looking for artistic ideas and project which will take our bid forward. The first hurdle i...

Stream For­ward

Stream For­ward

Concerts, readings, plays, operas ... at present, the spread of the coronavirus has brought cultu...

Bid: Dead­lines extended

Bid: Dead­lines extended



Creative Work for the Nuremberg of Tomorrow

Euro­pe At Home

Euro­pe At Home

Jury visit and pre­sen­ta­ti­on in digi­tal form

Jury visit and pre­sen­ta­ti­on in digi­

Regi­on sup­ports bid

Regi­on sup­ports bid

The­re it is — our second bid book!

The­re it is — our second bid book!

Digi­tal city visit

Digi­tal city visit

Title goes to Chemnitz

Title goes to Chemnitz

Nuremberg is not European Capital of Culture 2025. We congratulate Chemnitz on the title and than...

Panel report is published

Panel report is published

On November 27, 2020, the jury for the title "European Capital of Culture 2025" in Germany publis...

We say goodbye

We say goodbye

Dear companions, supporters and those interested in the Capital of Culture, For more than thre...

N2025 Open Call 2018

N2025 Open Call 2018

In 2018, the European Capital of Culture 2025 Bid Office of the City of Nürnberg launched the fir...

Schools com­pe­ti­ti­on: „bE U – Share Democracy“

Schools com­pe­ti­ti­on: „bE U – Share D

Cul­tu­ral Centres

Cul­tu­ral Centres

N2025 Open Call 2019

N2025 Open Call 2019

After the successful first edition of the project competition N2025 OPEN CALL 2018, in 2019 the E...

Haus des Spielens

Haus des Spielens



gameON2025 is a game development project, was a pilot project of the European Metropolitan Region...



The SONGLINES project traces the paths of songs and their stories and, together with musicians an...

Net­work Ana­ly­sis of Cul­tu­ral Actors

Net­work Ana­ly­sis of Cul­tu­ral Actors

We’re in round 2!

We’re in round 2!

We took the first hurdle! Nürnberg has reached the next round in the competition for the European...

Kids’ Bid Book

Kids’ Bid Book

In their very own bid book, children and young people from the city of Nürnberg present their tho...

Call for Ide­as 2020

Call for Ide­as 2020

Stream For­ward

Stream For­ward

Concerts, readings, plays, operas ... at present, the spread of the coronavirus has brought cultu...

Bid: Dead­lines extended

Bid: Dead­lines extended



Euro­pe At Home

Euro­pe At Home

Jury visit and pre­sen­ta­ti­on in digi­tal form

Jury visit and pre­sen­ta­ti­on in digi­

Regi­on sup­ports bid

Regi­on sup­ports bid

The­re it is — our second bid book!

The­re it is — our second bid book!

Digi­tal city visit

Digi­tal city visit

Title goes to Chemnitz

Title goes to Chemnitz

Panel report is published

Panel report is published

We say goodbye

We say goodbye

Dear companions, supporters and those interested in the Capital of Culture, For more than thre...

N2025 Open Call 2018

N2025 Open Call 2018

In 2018, the European Capital of Culture 2025 Bid Office of the City of Nürnberg launched the fir...

Schools com­pe­ti­ti­on: „bE U – Share Democracy“

Schools com­pe­ti­ti­on: „bE U – Share D

Cul­tu­ral Centres

Cul­tu­ral Centres

N2025 Open Call 2019

N2025 Open Call 2019

After the successful first edition of the project competition N2025 OPEN CALL 2018, in 2019 the E...

Haus des Spielens

Haus des Spielens



gameON2025 is a game development project, was a pilot project of the European Metropolitan Region...



The SONGLINES project traces the paths of songs and their stories and, together with musicians an...

Net­work Ana­ly­sis of Cul­tu­ral Actors

Net­work Ana­ly­sis of Cul­tu­ral Actors

We’re in round 2!

We’re in round 2!

We took the first hurdle! Nürnberg has reached the next round in the competition for the European...

Kids’ Bid Book

Kids’ Bid Book

In their very own bid book, children and young people from the city of Nürnberg present their tho...

Call for Ide­as 2020

Call for Ide­as 2020

Stream For­ward

Stream For­ward

Concerts, readings, plays, operas ... at present, the spread of the coronavirus has brought cultu...

Bid: Dead­lines extended

Bid: Dead­lines extended



Euro­pe At Home

Euro­pe At Home

Jury visit and pre­sen­ta­ti­on in digi­tal form

Jury visit and pre­sen­ta­ti­on in digi­

Regi­on sup­ports bid

Regi­on sup­ports bid

The­re it is — our second bid book!

The­re it is — our second bid book!

Digi­tal city visit

Digi­tal city visit

Title goes to Chemnitz

Title goes to Chemnitz

Panel report is published

Panel report is published

We say goodbye

We say goodbye

Dear companions, supporters and those interested in the Capital of Culture, For more than thre...

N2025 Open Call 2018

N2025 Open Call 2018

In 2018, the European Capital of Culture 2025 Bid Office of the City of Nürnberg launched the fir...

Schools com­pe­ti­ti­on: „bE U – Share Democracy“

Schools com­pe­ti­ti­on: „bE U – Share D

Cul­tu­ral Centres

Cul­tu­ral Centres

N2025 Open Call 2019

N2025 Open Call 2019

After the successful first edition of the project competition N2025 OPEN CALL 2018, in 2019 the E...

Haus des Spielens

Haus des Spielens



gameON2025 is a game development project, was a pilot project of the European Metropolitan Region...



The SONGLINES project traces the paths of songs and their stories and, together with musicians an...

Net­work Ana­ly­sis of Cul­tu­ral Actors

Net­work Ana­ly­sis of Cul­tu­ral Actors

We’re in round 2!

We’re in round 2!

We took the first hurdle! Nürnberg has reached the next round in the competition for the European...

Kids’ Bid Book

Kids’ Bid Book

In their very own bid book, children and young people from the city of Nürnberg present their tho...

Call for Ide­as 2020

Call for Ide­as 2020

Stream For­ward

Stream For­ward

Concerts, readings, plays, operas ... at present, the spread of the coronavirus has brought cultu...

Bid: Dead­lines extended

Bid: Dead­lines extended



Euro­pe At Home

Euro­pe At Home

Jury visit and pre­sen­ta­ti­on in digi­tal form

Jury visit and pre­sen­ta­ti­on in digi­

Regi­on sup­ports bid

Regi­on sup­ports bid

The­re it is — our second bid book!

The­re it is — our second bid book!

Digi­tal city visit

Digi­tal city visit

Title goes to Chemnitz

Title goes to Chemnitz

Panel report is published

Panel report is published

We say goodbye

We say goodbye

Dear companions, supporters and those interested in the Capital of Culture, For more than thre...